Friday, November 28, 2003

Tropical Reception Ideas

Utility, what are they?

latter is important, as the "loggers" (who have a blog) interact with each other, are well known because they follow each other's journals and create a true community of friends who have never seen. The weblog can be all that comes to mind. An outlet, a hobby, a place of exchange of hobbies, a point in cyberspace to rant, a way to share links ... or a space where independent professionals can make known who they are and what they do. Therefore

individual users use them to tell what happened to them during the day or your views on what is happening in the world and there are also blogging community where a group of people put together their knowledge on a topic.

One of the most widely used blogging confessions is that of a diary, usually created by teenagers / as no other claim to communicate and make known their opinions about anything. The truth is that this diaries such addictive reach the reader. (High narcissism and morbidity in cyberspace). You can jump from one to another and do not stop reading about love and heartache, reviews, thoughts on an event that has significance only for those who write ...

Regardless of narcissism and more or less trivial blogs, weblogs are being formed as a means of communication "parallel" circuits away from the major media companies and media. This trend was accentuated after 11-S, and the Internet landscape is filled with news blogs commenting on and criticizing the positions of the mainstream media. In many cases, these online journalists collect and distribute the news before anyone else, being able also to create a critical mass that is becoming stronger. The strength of criticism of blogs is also clearly noted in the pre-war environment of late 2002 and early 2003. Hundreds of loggers were fundamental in expressing the opposition of many Americans to war with Iraq.

In 1996, Dave Winer, implemented a weblog, historic day for the marathon 24 hours for Democracy ", an online meeting place to support the" free-speech on the Internet.
Teaching Applications


- To find work, some have found jobs because they have seen your blog, I liked his views, opinions and your resume.

- To work and study, for example to discuss with other classmates or the professor of that subject, to pass the teacher's work to correct them as did Professor JL Orihuela in its course from the University of Navarra .

- To improve your job. Many companies in the U.S. have set up corporate blogs for each employee to contribute their ideas for improve the performance and viability.

- To have a war journalist Kevin Sites CNN used his blog to tell the latest Iraq war (including pictures and audio files) I finally censored, it just returned to Iraq to keep telling the war.

- The role of thematic and view weblogs as an alternative to traditional newspapers and digital is a reality that makes "tickle" the large media groups. That charge authors to read the information on your weblog there are very few successful, one of them the Rafat Ali (PaidContent), focusing on economic and market information.

- Enable for the specific management of the web. I think it's a good "first look" to the world of web pages and the possibilities the resort offers.

- Teachers can incorporate the teaching resources making their teaching more attractive and more interesting.

- Produce literary texts, create stories, narratives.

- As a class activity may propose to undertake a blog. The evaluation would focus on two aspects: the evaluation of content and the other project evaluation and collaborative learning. They may ask how it started work? What were the challenges? How do I overcome? How was the collaborative work with other people in my group? How much and how I learned? How this work has helped me to learn? You can analyze the logs of teachers and students. In addition, analysis of the stories of students about the experience, are qualitative assessment formulas that provide a wealth of information about students.

- This classroom activity will enhance and develop creativity among students. It also creates the conditions necessary for students to acquire a work discipline to investigate, identify, select and extract relevant information according to the characteristics of the project, available on the web.

- Handbooks, can serve as tutorials, geared to self through reading, and exercises that are proposed. The contents are organized hierarchically, so that the student can go walking in an orderly, or focusing on some point of interest.


- For appointments and meetings at a time and right place, posting the meeting live, the conference or press conference, take pictures and post them on the blog, There are thousands of examples, one of the more recent the last Beers & Blogs Madrid, told by José Luis Orihuela and Wayfarer.

- To understand the trends and development of the different professions according to that city as the project Viviraldia "and apply to your work.

- Catastrophes: September 11th, blackout New York ... In this case we recall the attack on the Twin Towers and all the chaos that occurred during those hours. To reassure the family, Sebastien Delmont, of Zonageek, a classic Venezuelan blogger living in New York reassured his family in Venezuela with this post. During those hours, telephone lines and other communications were jammed.

- Births: The same Sebastian, was the birth of his daughter from the hospital (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). All his family, friends, and your blog readers live heard what was happening during the Meibell birth and the birth of Maya.

- For "gossip" and live in your generation, the look gossip and curiosity about the lives of others is also at the blogs.

- Cases that may occur with mobile, because you can write and send photos directly to the weblog. For example, you're on the street and you're in a store's latest catalog models Zara What do you do then? Knees you ask that you make some photos and immediately post it on your blog.


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