Sunday, November 30, 2003

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Well, that's all friends, I hope this has helped to bring reality to your wealth of teaching tools and I feel encouraged to use it in your professional performance. See you soon!

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add links to your weblog

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

Add comments to your weblog

The feedback is one of the most commonly used tools in weblogs. They allow you to, firstly, to know what you are saying the visit on your "posts" and on the other hand generate them and the weblog, an interesting round of opinions, creating perhaps one of the principles of online community: Participation. Here you will find helpful:

Tips When maintaining your blog is good to follow a series of very basic rules of self-regulation:

• Be original, not copies , keep your own style. If you have any questions do not hesitate and ask the nearest weblogger. • Try not to fill
network of junk. (The concept of garbage up to you).
• Say what you think and how you think, have always personality.
• Make sure that your weblog is a clean, readable, usable and attractive.


The future of blogs. And should I turn to weblogs to take the pulse of the Internet, to know what moves on the Web The amount of information they handle the blogs has made the first start appearing in such specialized search pages. One is Daypop ( seeking the 15,000 reports in media and weblogs. It also has a Top 40, which states what are the most popular links loggers.

Blogdex ( was created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and is a tool that indexes all the updates of some 15,000 blogs. It basically works like Google. It also has a TOP 10 with leading news and blogs and a list of the 25 most important issues. The idea of \u200b\u200bits creators is to harness the growing volume of information generated by these sites.

In English, there is a search engine and those who just spoke, and we have to settle portals as a blogging community where will provide tools, resources and listings grouped by different themes.

Conclusion: What is your future?

Are they a threat to the proposals of one-way communication? Or an opportunity for each user to hear his voice over the network? For now, success is indisputable. In the medium term, will see the results, which probably depend on the development of Internet, the global online roleplaying game that only Argentina has nearly 4 million players.

Weblogs were already considered one of the biggest Internet event in 2002. New technologies will make this phenomenon is something even more important. This year is very likely that loggers can incorporate multimedia elements to create their blogs and even on mobile phones (, and this small revolution to settle permanently.

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2. The second way is to insert a table, where the image is centered, involves a bit more code, but no problem.

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

You find out how you can put boxes, borders, etc. Just a matter of research. If you have any questions do not hesitate to write in forums, where they usually respond quickly and find answers for everything.

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add images to your WEBLOG

If you have no knowledge of HTML and're using a system in another language, can seem difficult to add images to your Weblogs. Not so. Adding images is far easier than appears. You just have to keep in mind two things: the hosting of the image and display it in the post you decide. Hosteo


For an image displayed on a weblog, you must be somewhere (host) on the Internet. (The verbal meaning-host or host-to describe the fact of storing some information, such as a website on a server outside). In the event that you have your own site no problems, but if the Weblog is a free site such as, you have to upload the image to some other site. Eg: Yahoo or personal area of \u200b\u200bthe page Comillas. Once

You place the image to a host at your choice, you must write down exactly the "path" and the name of the image. Example: the image you see below is in and file name is logo.gif.

Insert picture: There are two ways to do

1. The easiest way is to put the image at the beginning or end of the post. This will do exactly this line when copying escribáis in your weblog: img src = " of file.jpg" alt = "text that is displayed when you keep your mouse over the image ( this entire line must be enclosed in this: <........>)

For: you should put the full name of the place where your picture is hosted, for example in the case of this picture is:
texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

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Section settings you can control many aspects of how they see the blog:

Show: This is the number of days (days) or posts (LATEST posts) you want to display on your blog before passing the file. Order

Posts: reverse chronologically ordered posts so that the newest is the first, and orders them chronologically so that the oldest post is first.

Date / Time format: The format of the date and time you want to use on your blog. This controls the <$BlogItemDateTime$> tag in the template.

Date header format: This controls the format of the tag <$BlogDateHeaderDate$>.

Time Zone: The zone where you are.

Language: The language you want to show the date and time of your posts on your blog.

Convert line breaks: You can specify that when you're writing a post to your blog and give "enter" on your computer, it transitions to the next line, using HTML format. Archive

frequency: Frequency at which the pages are created in your log file.
FTP Archive
path: The "path" is the path to the directory where you want to save your file Blogger. No matter if your hosting company is free or payment.

FTP archive filename: name you want to save your files on Blogger.

After configuring the preferences of Blogger, we can begin to set the template of our blog.

What are tags? Marks used the browser, what to do with the information that follows, until the next tag. (<...>). The tags are very similar to HTML, which makes Blogger highly customizable and easy to use. Here are some including:

<$BlogItemBody$> - The text of each entry.
<$BlogItemAuthor$> - The author of the post.
<$BlogItemAuthorNickname$> - The nickname of the author of the post.
<$BlogItemAuthorEmail$> - The email address of the author.
<$BlogItemAuthorURL$> - The URL of the author.
<$BlogItemDateTime$> - The date and time of entry.
<$BlogItemNumber$> - The unique number for each entry.

Using the template, Blogger just looking what is inside and tags to make changes. What is inside these tags is what Blogger used to make each entry on your blog and can include HTML or ASP or Cold Fusion or whatever works on your server.

A configuration a basic template might look like this:



Writer <$BlogItemAuthorName$> to <$BlogItemDateTime$>

results would give something like this:

Hello Sunday July 9 as they are

Written by Roberto Andrade at 4:18 PM

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Had you chosen to host the weblog on your own server would ask you this data. Include them here in case some day you are useful.
FTP Server: This is the FTP address of your hosting company. No matter if your stay it's free or paid, usually by creating an account you receive an email explaining you what the FTP address.
FTP Path: The "path" is the path to the directory where you want to save your blog Blogger. Like the previous step, no matter if your hosting company free of charge or payment. Blog
Filename: The name of the file you want to save your blog.
FTP Username: The username to access the FTP where host your blog.
FTP Password: The password to access the FTP where host your blog.

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Finally you can choose the model template for your blog.

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URL: You must add the web address of your blog.

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

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Here you have the opportunity to host your weblog free on blogspot or host it on your own server. We will do for free. Clik on "Host it at BlogSpot.

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Title: Here you put the title of your weblog. This title appears when you enter the Blogger to edit the blog and the newly updated blog list on the main page of Blogger.

Description: Here you can write what it is your blog. It is especially useful for people looking to Blogger. Public

Blog: Do you want your weblog to be public? To be public, it appears in the directory of blogs the blogger and is also required to put a link to Blogger, either by means of a gif that they provide or text to say that your blog is maintained with Blogger. If you do not wish to be public Put NO.

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After these data must complete and click on "Sign Up". By doing this, I will ask a few things that must be answered. Do not forget your username and password.

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

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To start using Blogger you must first create an account, that you do in the section "Create your own blog on Blogger's home page. Ye Once you can access it by typing the user name (username) and password. The third field is needed to confirm this password.

texto que se mostrará cuando mantengas el mouse encima de la imagen

Saturday, November 29, 2003

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Not everyone agrees, however, this role of "new journalism" of blogs. Many professionals believe that those behind these websites, all you do is navel-gazing, which are unprepared and do not report, but are saying. Without taking away reason, the fact is that the influence of blogs is unstoppable and, in many cases, are the first to break the news or drop a Hare ", which is then followed by media more concerned with events or large events. Advantages

• With respect to a traditional web page is not necessary to have any programming or HTML knowledge. Is updated similar to sending an e-mail.

• No computer control by chains or governments. The weblogs are maintained by people who do not seek financial gain, are simple Internet to ensure the veracity of what they publish.

• No advertising (except for a logo, if you stay at a free server.)

Steps to create a weblog


• The tools (Blogger, or any other)
• The format (posts and comments)
• The platform (Internet)

A weblog is usually at least the following distinct sections:

File: The file is saved all entries posted (also called posts, notes, annotations ...) so that everyone has access to them . The files can be arranged around the date of publication or category to which they belong.

Information: It is good that every site has a space to show some information about yourself and the site itself. This is good to give more "credibility" to your page.

Links: The main feature of internet is the existence of hyperlinks, and the world of weblogs can no longer be foreign. Have a list of links to blogs that one can say quite often read the likes of the author.

Contact: Through an email, using an instant messaging program or a web form, always have available some form of contact between your visitors and you. This allows that if there are any questions or suggestions you can make the reach without problems.

When a blog post a big number of CMSs (Content Management Systems), but most beginners often choose the option of Blogger, which is a CMS that does not require much knowledge and which will provide web space (no FTP) and a subdomain such as "" The subdomain of my weblog is

For more advanced users there are many more tools, the most popular MovableType, which requires installation and media expertise. MovableType is much more versatile and complete than Blogger, but requires the possession of a hosting or own property that meets certain conditions. Besides these two options are many other systems.

for this unit will show you how to create a weblog with Blogger:
The Blogger ( gives you great flexibility in creating and maintaining your blog. You can control virtually every aspect of how you want see your posts, dates, sizes and fonts. Apart from this, Blogger allows you to add your blog to other web programming language to make your life easier and your blog more interesting and functional. Blogger does not cost anything, all we ask is you put a gif or a referral from your blog is maintained for this service.
Highlights of Blogger is its ease of use to create and edit our posts. The file system, aspects of setup and use of templates are the elements that makes it so flexible.

Friday, November 28, 2003

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Utility, what are they?

latter is important, as the "loggers" (who have a blog) interact with each other, are well known because they follow each other's journals and create a true community of friends who have never seen. The weblog can be all that comes to mind. An outlet, a hobby, a place of exchange of hobbies, a point in cyberspace to rant, a way to share links ... or a space where independent professionals can make known who they are and what they do. Therefore

individual users use them to tell what happened to them during the day or your views on what is happening in the world and there are also blogging community where a group of people put together their knowledge on a topic.

One of the most widely used blogging confessions is that of a diary, usually created by teenagers / as no other claim to communicate and make known their opinions about anything. The truth is that this diaries such addictive reach the reader. (High narcissism and morbidity in cyberspace). You can jump from one to another and do not stop reading about love and heartache, reviews, thoughts on an event that has significance only for those who write ...

Regardless of narcissism and more or less trivial blogs, weblogs are being formed as a means of communication "parallel" circuits away from the major media companies and media. This trend was accentuated after 11-S, and the Internet landscape is filled with news blogs commenting on and criticizing the positions of the mainstream media. In many cases, these online journalists collect and distribute the news before anyone else, being able also to create a critical mass that is becoming stronger. The strength of criticism of blogs is also clearly noted in the pre-war environment of late 2002 and early 2003. Hundreds of loggers were fundamental in expressing the opposition of many Americans to war with Iraq.

In 1996, Dave Winer, implemented a weblog, historic day for the marathon 24 hours for Democracy ", an online meeting place to support the" free-speech on the Internet.
Teaching Applications


- To find work, some have found jobs because they have seen your blog, I liked his views, opinions and your resume.

- To work and study, for example to discuss with other classmates or the professor of that subject, to pass the teacher's work to correct them as did Professor JL Orihuela in its course from the University of Navarra .

- To improve your job. Many companies in the U.S. have set up corporate blogs for each employee to contribute their ideas for improve the performance and viability.

- To have a war journalist Kevin Sites CNN used his blog to tell the latest Iraq war (including pictures and audio files) I finally censored, it just returned to Iraq to keep telling the war.

- The role of thematic and view weblogs as an alternative to traditional newspapers and digital is a reality that makes "tickle" the large media groups. That charge authors to read the information on your weblog there are very few successful, one of them the Rafat Ali (PaidContent), focusing on economic and market information.

- Enable for the specific management of the web. I think it's a good "first look" to the world of web pages and the possibilities the resort offers.

- Teachers can incorporate the teaching resources making their teaching more attractive and more interesting.

- Produce literary texts, create stories, narratives.

- As a class activity may propose to undertake a blog. The evaluation would focus on two aspects: the evaluation of content and the other project evaluation and collaborative learning. They may ask how it started work? What were the challenges? How do I overcome? How was the collaborative work with other people in my group? How much and how I learned? How this work has helped me to learn? You can analyze the logs of teachers and students. In addition, analysis of the stories of students about the experience, are qualitative assessment formulas that provide a wealth of information about students.

- This classroom activity will enhance and develop creativity among students. It also creates the conditions necessary for students to acquire a work discipline to investigate, identify, select and extract relevant information according to the characteristics of the project, available on the web.

- Handbooks, can serve as tutorials, geared to self through reading, and exercises that are proposed. The contents are organized hierarchically, so that the student can go walking in an orderly, or focusing on some point of interest.


- For appointments and meetings at a time and right place, posting the meeting live, the conference or press conference, take pictures and post them on the blog, There are thousands of examples, one of the more recent the last Beers & Blogs Madrid, told by José Luis Orihuela and Wayfarer.

- To understand the trends and development of the different professions according to that city as the project Viviraldia "and apply to your work.

- Catastrophes: September 11th, blackout New York ... In this case we recall the attack on the Twin Towers and all the chaos that occurred during those hours. To reassure the family, Sebastien Delmont, of Zonageek, a classic Venezuelan blogger living in New York reassured his family in Venezuela with this post. During those hours, telephone lines and other communications were jammed.

- Births: The same Sebastian, was the birth of his daughter from the hospital (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). All his family, friends, and your blog readers live heard what was happening during the Meibell birth and the birth of Maya.

- For "gossip" and live in your generation, the look gossip and curiosity about the lives of others is also at the blogs.

- Cases that may occur with mobile, because you can write and send photos directly to the weblog. For example, you're on the street and you're in a store's latest catalog models Zara What do you do then? Knees you ask that you make some photos and immediately post it on your blog.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

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The first website that came out in the late 80s were "weblogs", then the broadband, multimedia, flash, etc. were giving life to become "web pages." Its heyday was in the 90s as a result of armed conflicts: the Persian Gulf, the Balkans, Iraq war ...

Weblogs are as old as the Net Most agree that first blog published on the Web page was Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of HTML, in 1992. That page is titled "What's new in 1992" and was simply a directory of recommended links. In the list, each address containing accompanied by a brief comment, similar to that often publish the search engines. From there, Berners-Lee led the movement until the Netscape browser became the first true guide to Internet sites, monopolizing the market from 1993 through 1995.

was then that first appeared personal weblogs, which abandoned the "indiscriminate collection of links to choose for specific records, more in the style of the journals. In 1994, he debuted, still active, Justin May (, which, in addition to many links, recounted their daily experiences (drugs, sex ...).

But it was in 1999 when blogs began their absolute popularity with the proliferation of programs that allow to create and manage them easily. The real culprit of that today, Internet users to imagine, create, develop, and in a handful of minutes, publish your own weblog is undoubtedly "Blogger ( is perhaps the best known and tool that has helped to extend the logs. Is free (although it has a paid version), and more than 150,000 people have used to create your own.

The mass phenomenon of the case forced a rethink. Paradoxically, everything became easier and difficult time. Easy, because the number of weblogs multiplied endlessly; difficult, because today it is virtually impossible to keep track of the appearance of each new weblog.

is that weblogs are not a "monologue" but a "dialogue" that tend to form communities that interact in real time. Easy access to files and course feedback Internet fosters do the rest. So, more than half a million active weblogs today opened a new path in the varied landscape of online communications. Today

blog is a buzzword that, in part, has changed the way we understand information, and growing in parallel, and force, to traditional journalism.

is estimated that about 500,000 worldwide, and the truth is that, at its core, the structure, are all equal: header with title, date daily commentary, lateral links, information and photos on author and a space for commentary by other users.

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Is it a forum of opinion? A quite common mistake is to confuse the weblogs with discussion forums. Although the two have a very simple design differ in that while in the forums there is a topic of debate in which anyone can come to express their opinions at random, on a weblog, however, is the manager, to decide the matter on to talk about.

Monday, November 24, 2003

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At some point in the life of every human being the question arises: What is a weblog? For those people who still do not know or it is very clear, I decided to make this work class to bring all this really so widespread. It is not at all a manual, are different sections in which I will be showing the most important elements of weblogs. To do this I will use this e-book class, my own weblog, and will thus be a "meta-learning" that we will do together. I therefore invite you to delve and learn ... I wish you a happy journey.

Definition: What is a weblog?

Weblogs ("web logs") are the logs, the log-book where Captain chronologically scoring what was happening in their navigation. Are sites of a page where the surfer turns their concerns, opinions or comments on a particular topic as a diary and, of course, is touring the links while browsing. A personal diary, nothing systematic, open to everyone and that everyone writes and hides what he wants, without coercion of any kind. Therein lies its importance, had never been so easy and so cheap to launch the world what you think.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

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Hello!, Welcome to my personal blog .

This blog is a notebook class. Here ire scoring the most important aspects of the impact of weblogs in the field of information and communication, and its main pedagogical implications. Will my notebook that will share with you all the way on line.

I therefore invite you to delve and learn the lessons that this tool lies in our professional future.