add images to your WEBLOG
If you have no knowledge of HTML and're using a system in another language, can seem difficult to add images to your Weblogs. Not so. Adding images is far easier than appears. You just have to keep in mind two things: the hosting of the image and display it in the post you decide. Hosteo
For an image displayed on a weblog, you must be somewhere (host) on the Internet. (The verbal meaning-host or host-to describe the fact of storing some information, such as a website on a server outside). In the event that you have your own site no problems, but if the Weblog is a free site such as, you have to upload the image to some other site. Eg: Yahoo or personal area of \u200b\u200bthe page Comillas. Once
You place the image to a host at your choice, you must write down exactly the "path" and the name of the image. Example: the image you see below is in and file name is logo.gif.
Insert picture: There are two ways to do
1. The easiest way is to put the image at the beginning or end of the post. This will do exactly this line when copying escribáis in your weblog: img src = " of file.jpg" alt = "text that is displayed when you keep your mouse over the image ( this entire line must be enclosed in this: <........>)
For: you should put the full name of the place where your picture is hosted, for example in the case of this picture is:
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