Friday, March 25, 2011

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Sylvester Stallone wants to be a fashion designer.
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Kim Kardashian denies engagement

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Shakira and met her imitator particular before offering a concert of his tour in Chile. "It's amazing what you are doing . Well received in the clubhouse Colombian singer Rodolfo Burgos, who surprised with his imitation of the song "I am Gypsy" in a Chilean television.

is said Rodolfo-Shakira-Burgos, is charging up to $ 3,000 Interview ........

Is Coconut Oil Good For The Face

Smoking is Harmful for Health Law No. 23,344

What Happens At The End Of Cube Field

The recoil of a firearm

describes the recoil of a gun, when fired, as the force acting on it caused by the departure of the projectile, the muzzle. This concept is known since the powder was used to send objects over long distances, be it a simple cannonball or fireworks. Example:

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Without going into great technical terms, the physical phenomenon of decline is based on Newton's third law , which is expressed as: a full force of action there is a reaction force equal and opposite. In the case of fireworks in slow combustion of a quantity of gunpowder, gases are produced that being led back down generate an upward reaction force that causes the rocket rise.
A similar phenomenon occurs in firearms. The cartridge is composed of a primer and a powder charge that is what causes the gas to drive the projectile. At the time of detonation of the explosive occurs, it is transmitted to the powder, which causes an explosion in a very short space of time, producing a large amount of gas which increases the pressure inside the cartridge. This pressure pushes the projectile, which accelerates along the barrel until it finally ejected from the mouth of it. It is at that moment, and not before, when recoil occurs.

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"to run fans"

Increased production of testosterone associated with moderate exercise of 15 to 40 minutes a day, stimulates sexual desire of the people, academics have concluded from the University of California from research and surveys made to 250 men and women.

Scientists argue that testosterone is largely related to the male libido and that this increase leads to increased sexual desire. In the case of women, the importance of this hormone is much lower, but the results of surveys on sexual activity yielded similar results for both sexes.

Those who do moderate exercise, running or jogging an average of 40 minutes a day were twice as sexually active as those exercised only an average of fifteen minutes each day. This is indicated by a report in the online magazine specializing in health and exercise.

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the entertainment

Renée Zellweger seeks solace in Bullock.

Lindsay Lohan plea deal rejected
sleeps with Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Should You Shower Before You Wax?

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14 pods you did not know about 10 pods RRIPIO

1. Smoking shortens your penis

Smoking can shorten the penis about an inch. As reflected in this publication, erections depend almost exclusively on the proper flow of blood, and snuff calcified blood vessels, stifling erectile circulation.

2. The foreskin cure

How? Although it sounds a bit macabre, as published, doctors can grow fat tissue for burn victims using the foreskins of circumcised boys. And is that the foreskin produce 23,000 square meters of skin, which would be enough to make a tarp to cover three football fields.

3. A larger prostate problems

As already published, have a large prostataria gland can cause both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. So when in doubt, better to go to a specialist.

4. The only male orgasm lasts 6 seconds

While female orgasm lasts about 23 seconds, the man's only 6.

5. The penis was also Colymbosathon ecplecticos

What is really a Colymbosathon ecplecticos? Because it is the oldest species, a marine creature which is known penis. Without words you will be to discover that his name is Greek for "amazing swimmer with large penis."

6. The foreskin can be reconstructed after circumcision

Yes, or at least that has been published in this interesting article on the curiosities surrounding the penis. Apparently, after a circumcision, the penis can be reconstructed by pulling up the mobile skin of the shaft and securing it in place with tape. Later, doctors apply plastic rings, caps, and weights. And ready to return to the load.

7. The man can give himself oral pleasure? Well

although in principle does not seem very complicated, the male's limited flexibility somewhat. In fact, as recorded by Men's Health, only one man in 400 is enough flexible enough to give himself oral pleasure. However, it is estimated that of those 400, all I have tried very hard at least once.

8. There are two types of penis

penis How many classes do you think there? No, there is only one. It turns out that there are two types of penises. Yes, yes. On one hand they expand and grow when becoming erect and they have been christened with the name of 'Growing', and they look great all the time, but much bigger after achieving erection called 'exposure'. A study of male health, 79 percent of men have a penis "growing", while only 21 percent is possessed of a penis 'exhibitionist'.

9. Intercourse takes 2min and 50 seconds

How hard do you think intercourse? Well according to German researchers, the average intercourse duration is 2 minutes and 50 seconds. However, the notion of what lasts is another, and that as public, when asked a woman believes that lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds. What pleasure is misleading.

10. Size does matter

Much is said about it the penis size matters or not in sex. The reality is that size have an effect on pleasure, not just to satisfy a woman, but because the more larger the penis, the better "semen" get a man to have sex with a woman, or so say researchers from the State University of New York.

11. The penis of the king of Tonga Fatefehi the most enjoyed

Incredible but true, but according to this article includes trivia about the penis, penis Fatefehi King of Tonga, was the most enjoyed by women who supposedly deflowered 37,800 women between 1770 and 1784, about seven virgins a day.

12. The most handsome men have the strongest sperm

If you want a strong sperm, get yourself to a handsome man. As reported in Men's Health, English researchers showed women photos of guys who had semen good, average and bad and told them to pick the most handsome. Almost all the women chose the best sperm producers.

13. The penis is broken

Did you know that you can fracture penis? The main cause of penile rupture: vigorous masturbation, so be careful, because with the energy and desire to give the zambomba in the end, you may end up in hospital with a broken somewhat embarrassing.

14. To ejaculate, the brain no matter

The brain govern almost all of our body but the ejaculate when its signal does not matter. Who sends the order to expel the spinal cord. But finding a vessel for said ejaculation, can take more hours of careful thought.

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WATER wise not

1 - 70% of the Earth is covered with water. However, only 3% is freshwater, and most of that fresh water (2%) is frozen.

2 - In a period of 100 years, a water molecule spends 98 years in the ocean, 20 months as ice, 2 weeks in lakes and rivers and less than a week in the atmosphere.

3 - Raindrops are not tear-shaped. Using high speed cameras, scientists have found that rather have a flattened spheroid.

4 - Water accounts for 55% of the weight of an adult human. And we need to drink about two liters of water a day.

5 - A person can survive a month without food, but only up to seven days without water.

6 - Most of the water we consume every day from food. 95% of a tomato is water. They also have a high water content of apples (85%), spinach (91%) or potatoes (80%).

7 - just a few weeks ago, engineers at the University of Florida created a flat surface that does not wet, but water droplets roll on it. To achieve what they did was play in plastic form and patterns of tiny hairs that grow on the bodies of spiders, which are designed to stay dry at all times.

8 - It takes 450 liters of water to produce a chicken egg, 7,000 liters to refine a barrel of crude oil and 148,000 liters to produce a car.

9 - At the University of Tokyo have developed a material called spring water from a mixture of two grams of clay, organic matter and natural water. It is ideal for manufacturing drugs and to repair tissues.

10 - Aquagenic Urticaria is a very rare allergic reaction to water. There is hardly a thirty cases in the literature and is believed to be due to the presence in the skin of an antigen-a substance that activates the immune system-soluble. In contact with water, the antigen is dissolved, through the skin and causes the cells to release histamine defense. This causes the appearance of hives, itching and other allergic symptoms.

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the entertainment

First images of baby Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem.

The 10 musts for next Dior designer

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Dors Bloatedstomach Look Like


All members of our church should learn to give speeches and have good writing. This brief manual is intended to guide members of oratory known as directors or editors of the neighborhood.
oratory director may be called to fulfill a temporary assignment as a festival of speech, for example, or may serve more time if necessary to help members prepare speeches. This manual can also be useful to the editor of the neighborhood. In addition, basic tips are given on the graphic arts can be used to publicize the sport or cultural activities.
The purpose of this manual is to suggestions regarding the topics above, and can be adapted to local circumstances.