14 pods you did not know about 10 pods RRIPIO
1. Smoking shortens your penis
Smoking can shorten the penis about an inch. As reflected in this publication, erections depend almost exclusively on the proper flow of blood, and snuff calcified blood vessels, stifling erectile circulation.
2. The foreskin cure
How? Although it sounds a bit macabre, as published, doctors can grow fat tissue for burn victims using the foreskins of circumcised boys. And is that the foreskin produce 23,000 square meters of skin, which would be enough to make a tarp to cover three football fields.
3. A larger prostate problems
As already published, have a large prostataria gland can cause both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. So when in doubt, better to go to a specialist.
4. The only male orgasm lasts 6 seconds
While female orgasm lasts about 23 seconds, the man's only 6.
5. The penis was also Colymbosathon ecplecticos
What is really a Colymbosathon ecplecticos? Because it is the oldest species, a marine creature which is known penis. Without words you will be to discover that his name is Greek for "amazing swimmer with large penis."
6. The foreskin can be reconstructed after circumcision
Yes, or at least that has been published in this interesting article on the curiosities surrounding the penis. Apparently, after a circumcision, the penis can be reconstructed by pulling up the mobile skin of the shaft and securing it in place with tape. Later, doctors apply plastic rings, caps, and weights. And ready to return to the load.
7. The man can give himself oral pleasure? Well
although in principle does not seem very complicated, the male's limited flexibility somewhat. In fact, as recorded by Men's Health, only one man in 400 is enough flexible enough to give himself oral pleasure. However, it is estimated that of those 400, all I have tried very hard at least once.
8. There are two types of penis
penis How many classes do you think there? No, there is only one. It turns out that there are two types of penises. Yes, yes. On one hand they expand and grow when becoming erect and they have been christened with the name of 'Growing', and they look great all the time, but much bigger after achieving erection called 'exposure'. A study of male health, 79 percent of men have a penis "growing", while only 21 percent is possessed of a penis 'exhibitionist'.
9. Intercourse takes 2min and 50 seconds
How hard do you think intercourse? Well according to German researchers, the average intercourse duration is 2 minutes and 50 seconds. However, the notion of what lasts is another, and that as public, when asked a woman believes that lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds. What pleasure is misleading.
10. Size does matter
Much is said about it the penis size matters or not in sex. The reality is that size have an effect on pleasure, not just to satisfy a woman, but because the more larger the penis, the better "semen" get a man to have sex with a woman, or so say researchers from the State University of New York.
11. The penis of the king of Tonga Fatefehi the most enjoyed
Incredible but true, but according to this article includes trivia about the penis, penis Fatefehi King of Tonga, was the most enjoyed by women who supposedly deflowered 37,800 women between 1770 and 1784, about seven virgins a day.
12. The most handsome men have the strongest sperm
If you want a strong sperm, get yourself to a handsome man. As reported in Men's Health, English researchers showed women photos of guys who had semen good, average and bad and told them to pick the most handsome. Almost all the women chose the best sperm producers.
13. The penis is broken
Did you know that you can fracture penis? The main cause of penile rupture: vigorous masturbation, so be careful, because with the energy and desire to give the zambomba in the end, you may end up in hospital with a broken somewhat embarrassing.
14. To ejaculate, the brain no matter
The brain govern almost all of our body but the ejaculate when its signal does not matter. Who sends the order to expel the spinal cord. But finding a vessel for said ejaculation, can take more hours of careful thought.
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