Temple Buenos Aires, Argentina number 39 is the temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Missionaries, Melvin J. Ballard, L. King Rulon S. Pratt Wells, arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1925 after traveling for 34 days by land and sea. When they arrived, there were only four members of the Church present. Christmas Day, Elder Ballard gave America for missionary work.
Each day the missionaries prepared between two and five hundred brochures to hand out on the street. For eight months the missionaries walked the streets of Buenos Aires leafleting, anxiously awaiting teach people about faith. Since that time the membership of the Church in Argentina has grown rapidly, and proof of that was the construction of the temple of Buenos Aires.
President Thomas S. Monson, then an apostle, presided at the dedication of the temple January 17, 1986 . In the dedicatory prayer, asked: "May all who enter this, your home, have the privilege of saying, as the Psalmist of old, 'take good counsel together, and walked to the house of God in company' ... pray you receive our offering and sanctify this house we have built. "
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