try briefly list the unique contributions Joseph Smith and distinctive. Do not try to assess their relative importance or present them in logical or chronological sequence. Most of these contributions are in the field of theological doctrine. However, some are more temporary.
Ombro first a new conception of God and the Trinity. Undoubtedly, when Joseph was a child, there was much confusion in the doctrine concerning the personality of the gods and the characters of the Trinity. The beliefs of the sects existing at that time seem now more difficult to interpret and understand, if not totally incomprehensible. The first sight brought clarity, definition and certainty to this situation, not a product of sophisticated reasoning or argument but as the full security of the experience. When Joseph left the grove, had no need to invent a theory, he knew the facts. God has resemblance to man, has a voice, speak. Is considerate and kind. Answers prayers. Your son is like him but it's a different person. It is compliant with the Father and is the mediator between Him and men. The assumption of God as a simple essence or principle of power and force in the universe was demolished forever. This testimony is direct, positive and irrefutable. Many did not believe in it but no one has had never enough knowledge to refute it.
The character of the Holy Spirit as a member of the Trinity came later to the Prophet through revelation with clarity and precision that exceeded all other statements of Scripture on the subject. The Prophet stated: "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man, so the Son, but the Holy Spirit has a body of flesh and bones but is a personage of Spirit. Otherwise so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us. " (D & C 130:22). It also distinguishes between identity and functions of the Spirit Holy and the Holy Spirit.
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