Saturday, February 5, 2011

Megan Fox Orange Dress

Today I woke up demanding and wanting to raise blisters, that is going to do, we all have our days! This morning I reviewed my reader, and I realize I have a lot of things I do not like ya, they are a mess, and I lose time, hours of life and neurons by reading, so I'll make clean and leave what I consider interesting, and look for new things.

I'm tired of blogs devoted to copy press releases as parrots, that is not having a blog that sucks! If you think you are more professional because the language is cultivated with phrases sounding, you are not, it shows the league. Having

followers because comentais on other blogs like possessed not to blog, the aim is to have something interesting!

If there is nothing interesting to say the best thing is the silence , and that's it.

Not everyone goes for design see and read magazines compulsively million blogs, it gives you the creativity they have, for it must be born, and also train you very much. Of course there are people who have poured their creativity in the blog, and designing great things, and have been reported in the blogosphere, but not everyone can design jewelry or clothing. Care

design in your blog, and photos you do, is very noticeable and draws attention to everyone else. Often it is only a problem of the light that is, not reflex or similar needed to go well. Learn

fashion is difficult and we must study hard to have an opinion and objective, if you think do it from the humility of a spectator, not laying down the law, that gives the laugh!

Do not lie, malmetas, not do unto others as you would not want done to yourself , this actually serves to cover all aspects of life, is a way to be happy. And of course

leaves copy! original is, see the world from the inside, and tells it as you feel. Be true to yourself, that

Of course, after reading all this, I sing my own mea culpa , there are times that I have done these things, one, several or all, but I would not go back to them, and stop see people who make them. Now of course I will have more time to comment on that comment me and stop wasting the time to read all those others that do not interest me.

nobody gets upset, if not to reflect on your own blog, as I have done, you're like new!

nice weekend, how clean blogs? I do!


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