by Elder Bruce R. McConkie
Our knowledge of creation is limited. We do not know how, why and when of all things.
The Lord expects us to believe and understand the true doctrine of creation-the creation of the earth, man and all living things. In fact, as we shall see, the understanding of the doctrine of creation is vital for salvation. Until we get a true perspective of the creation of all things, we can not expect the fullness of eternal reward that might otherwise be ours.
God, the Father of us all, set a plan of salvation through which their spiritual children could progress and become like Him, and is the gospel of God, the Eternal Father's plan, the system saves and exalts, and consists of three things, which are precisely the pillars of eternity ; the Creation, the Fall, and Atonement.
Before you even to begin to understand the physical creation of all things, we must know how these three eternal truths, namely, Creation, the Fall and Atonement, are inseparably linked. Neither can exist alone, each one is linked to the other two, and without the knowledge of all together, we can not understand the truth about any of them.
Salvation is in Christ and Liege by his atoning sacrifice. The atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ is the center of revealed religion is the truth that redeems man from the spiritual and physical death entered the world as a result of the fall of Adam. Every man will rise because our blessed Lord died and rose again, making it the first fruits of them that slept.
Moreover, Christ died to save sinners. He took upon Himself the sins of all men with the condition that they should repent. Eternal life, the greatest of all gifts of God, is accessible to man because of what Christ did in Gethsemane and on Golgotha. He is the resurrection and life. Immortality and eternal life are the fruits of the Atonement. The man has no way to express language or can describe the glory, wonder and infinite meaning liberating power of our great Redeemer.
But remember that the Atonement came because of the Fall. Christ paid the ransom for Adam's transgression. If there had been a crash, there had been an Atonement with consequent immortality and eternal life. So, as surely as salvation comes because of the Atonement, so salvation comes because of the Fall.
mortality, procreation and death originated with the Fall. The trials and tribulations mortal trial period began when our first parents were driven from their home in the garden of Eden. "Because of that Adam fell, we exist, and by his fall came death, and we are made partakers of misery and distress." One of the most profound doctrinal statements ever made came from the lips of Mother Eve, who said: "Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and bad, and the joy of our redemption, and eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient. "

The Lord expects us to believe and understand the true doctrine of creation-the creation of the earth, man and all living things. In fact, as we shall see, the understanding of the doctrine of creation is vital for salvation. Until we get a true perspective of the creation of all things, we can not expect the fullness of eternal reward that might otherwise be ours.
God, the Father of us all, set a plan of salvation through which their spiritual children could progress and become like Him, and is the gospel of God, the Eternal Father's plan, the system saves and exalts, and consists of three things, which are precisely the pillars of eternity ; the Creation, the Fall, and Atonement.
Before you even to begin to understand the physical creation of all things, we must know how these three eternal truths, namely, Creation, the Fall and Atonement, are inseparably linked. Neither can exist alone, each one is linked to the other two, and without the knowledge of all together, we can not understand the truth about any of them.
Salvation is in Christ and Liege by his atoning sacrifice. The atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ is the center of revealed religion is the truth that redeems man from the spiritual and physical death entered the world as a result of the fall of Adam. Every man will rise because our blessed Lord died and rose again, making it the first fruits of them that slept.
Moreover, Christ died to save sinners. He took upon Himself the sins of all men with the condition that they should repent. Eternal life, the greatest of all gifts of God, is accessible to man because of what Christ did in Gethsemane and on Golgotha. He is the resurrection and life. Immortality and eternal life are the fruits of the Atonement. The man has no way to express language or can describe the glory, wonder and infinite meaning liberating power of our great Redeemer.
But remember that the Atonement came because of the Fall. Christ paid the ransom for Adam's transgression. If there had been a crash, there had been an Atonement with consequent immortality and eternal life. So, as surely as salvation comes because of the Atonement, so salvation comes because of the Fall.
mortality, procreation and death originated with the Fall. The trials and tribulations mortal trial period began when our first parents were driven from their home in the garden of Eden. "Because of that Adam fell, we exist, and by his fall came death, and we are made partakers of misery and distress." One of the most profound doctrinal statements ever made came from the lips of Mother Eve, who said: "Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and bad, and the joy of our redemption, and eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient. "
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